Rui Pina Coelho


Rui Pina Coelho (Évora, 1975) is an Assistant Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. He has a PhD in Theatre Studies and he is currently a researcher at the Centre for Theatre Studies (UL). He is the Director of Sinais de Cena – Performing Arts and Theatre Studies Journal. He has published António Pedro (Colecção Biografias do Teatro Português, CET/ TNDMII/ IN-CM, 2017); A hora do crime: A violência na dramaturgia britânica do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial (1951-1967) (Peter Lang, 2016); Casa da Comédia (1946-1975): Um palco para uma ideia de teatro (INCM, 2009); Inesgotável Koltès: Dois ensaios sobre Na solidão dos campos de algodão de Bernard-Marie Koltès (ESTC, 2009); Às vezes quase me acontecem coisas boas quando me ponho a falar sozinho(Companhia das Ilhas, 2013) e Já passaram quantos anos perguntou ele e outros textos (Húmus/TEP, 2013), among other titles. He has coordinated the volume Contemporary Portuguese Theatre: Experimentalism, Politics and Utopia [working title] (TNDMII / Bicho do Mato, 2017). He coordinates the Theatre Writing Laboratory of the D. Maria II National Theatre since 2015. Since 2010, he has been collaborating regularly with TEP - Teatro Experimental do Porto as a playwright and dramaturgist.
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