Fran Mello
Artistic Director of the Companhia de Ballet da Cidade de Niterói

Born in Maranhão- Brazil , since 2018 as Artistic Director of the Companhia de Ballet da Cidade de Niterói (CBCN), Master's in progress of Contemporary Performances, Bachelor of Physical Education, Classical Ballet Maitre, Director Rehearser and Choreographer by SPDRJ.
Worked at Cia de Danças do Palácio das Artes-MG, Cia de Dança de Diadema-SP, DeAnima Ballet Contemporâneo-RJ and since 2004 has been a member of the Companhia de Ballet da Cidade de Niterói.
Choreographed "Ainda bem que estás aqui" and “Sinbu” at the CBCN Choreographic Atelier; “Enfim só.” and “Expiação” for Pulsar Cia de Dança-MA, both awarded by several public notices and “Pedra Doce -poética de Cora Coralina” choreographed in 2021 for CBCN.
Juror at the Carioca Dance Prize -RJ, I Sample of Competitive Dance in Maranhão and XII Maranhão Dance Week. Classical Ballet Teacher at the II, IV, VI, IX and XII Maranhão Dance Week and 41st Campina Grande Winter Festival. Holder of the FMS balletworkout method.
Worked at Cia de Danças do Palácio das Artes-MG, Cia de Dança de Diadema-SP, DeAnima Ballet Contemporâneo-RJ and since 2004 has been a member of the Companhia de Ballet da Cidade de Niterói.
Choreographed "Ainda bem que estás aqui" and “Sinbu” at the CBCN Choreographic Atelier; “Enfim só.” and “Expiação” for Pulsar Cia de Dança-MA, both awarded by several public notices and “Pedra Doce -poética de Cora Coralina” choreographed in 2021 for CBCN.
Juror at the Carioca Dance Prize -RJ, I Sample of Competitive Dance in Maranhão and XII Maranhão Dance Week. Classical Ballet Teacher at the II, IV, VI, IX and XII Maranhão Dance Week and 41st Campina Grande Winter Festival. Holder of the FMS balletworkout method.