Marcio Motokane

Artistic Director

Brazil, Portugal

Marcio has a degree in Cinema, Art History and a postgraduate degree in Art Direction for TV and cinema.
Artistic director, work in audiovisual production at the Roberto Marinho Foundation's Canal Futura and teach courses related to creators of audiovisual projects, in relation to exhibition platforms.
Since 1993 in the national and international market, working as director in various television formats, editor and artistic finisher, program producer, screenwriter, etc. on broadcasters such as BAND, HBO, Chile Filmes, Canal Brasil, Multishow, Canal Futura.
He was awarded for the creation, direction or artistic coordination of audiovisual formats at international festivals such as PROMAX BDA, CARACOL DE PLATA, PRIX JENEUSSE IBEROAMERICANO, JAPAN PRIZE, EMMY INTERNACIONAL.
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