Fabiana Nunes
Dancer and Teacher

Fabiana Nunes is an artist with a keen interest in multidisciplinary thought in the arts. She has been exploring dramaturgy in Dance for eleven years, incorporating different languages such as dance, theater, and performance into her works. She intertwines the universe of dance practice and studies in her creations, focusing increasingly on the theme of dramaturgy in bodies and on stage. Within the public dance scene and independent productions, she has worked on over twenty artistic works as a dancer, dramaturge, director, and rehearsal director. Collaborating with Brazilian and foreign choreographers, her works have circulated in Brazil, Europe, and Asia.
Currently serving as the dramaturgical director and rehearsal coordinator of the Ballet Company of the City of Niterói (CBCN), she holds a degree in Dance from Universidade Cândido do Mendes, a postgraduate degree in Body Preparation in Performing Arts, and is pursuing a Master's degree in Contemporary Performativity at Faculdade Angel Vianna. She has been a contracted dancer since 2004 with CBCN; Renato Vieira Dance Company (2011/2016); Ballet da Cidade de São Paulo (2008/2010); and Cia. De Anima directed by Richard Cragun and Roberto Oliveira (2001/2003). She was invited by TMRJ to lecture on the theme: "Poetic Body: Narrative Movements in Contemporary Dance" (2023). Invited as a dramaturge for the work "Muyrakitã" for the Ballet da Cidade de São Paulo, created for the modernist centennial of the 1922 week in São Paulo (2022); Script, conception, and movement direction for the clip "ONIRONAUTA" with over one hundred thousand views. Invited for the project SINGULARITY - Physical Performance Workshop: Celebrating Eclectic Diversity (2022) in Lisbon. Directed and conceived the work "HISTÓRIAS NÃO CONTADAS" (2021); Directed and conceived "IMPRESSÕES," an occupation at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) to celebrate its twenty-five years (2021); Conceived and directed the show "À MARGEM," which was part of the Sesc Entredanças program in 2019. The work was nominated in two categories: best show and best dancer, for the CESGRANRIO Dance Award in 2019; As a dancer and creator, she directed and conceived the show "ILIS" for the São Paulo Cultural Turn in 2019; As a dancer, she produced the contemporary dance solo "JACKIE," performed at the Fundação Cidade das Artes in 10/2016; In 2017, the show was selected for the São Paulo Cultural Turn; season held in August/2017 at the Municipal Theater of Niterói; Capital 35 Space in São Paulo in December/2017; composed the "Paradigma" project selected in the Occupation Notice of the Glaucio Gil Theater (FUNART-RJ) from February to March 2018. As a judge/member, she composed the Examining Board for the positions of teacher and rehearsal director for the Guaíra Theater Ballet held at the headquarters of the Guaíra Theater Cultural Center in 2020; Judge of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival at the Marquês de Sapucaí for the special group (master of ceremonies and flag bearer category in 2019); Movi-rio Festival.